To send money from your bank account via SEPA, please follow the simple instructions below:
- Go to the 'Transfers' section and click 'Send'.
- Select the destination country and currency.
- Select the recipient's receiving method.
- Enter the recipient's details.
- Enter the exact amount you want to send or the amount you want the recipient to receive.
- Select 'SEPA Instant and Regular transfers' as the payment method and click 'Next'.
- Once the payment request is created in Paysend system, please go to your bank's personal account to pay the request.
- Send the exact amount specified. For example, if you're instructed to send exactly EUR 100.02, you must send the exact amount or the transfer may be refunded.
- Enter the correct reference code when transferring funds to Paysend account. Incorrect reference codes will result in the funds not being accepted. Please note, that some banks have 'Comment' field instead of 'Reference' one.
- If you are required to specify the recipient country, you must select Spain. Some banks may also ask you to provide the address where the payment will be made, in which case please provide the following address C. de Leganitos, 47, 9ª planta, Centro, 28013 Madrid, Spain.
Please remember:
- If the funds are not credited to the Paysend account within three business days, the transfer will be cancelled and refunded.
- As soon as we receive the funds, we will send them to the recipient immediately.
- Transfer crediting times are regulated by the recipient's bank and can vary from a few minutes to up to three working days.