When sending money to a bank account in Korea using Paysend, please follow these important steps:
Recipient account registration
The transfer will not be completed until the recipient registers an account with our local partner (e9pay) and meets their requirements.
Pending Transfer Status
If your transfer is marked as pending, remind the recipient to register with e9pay and provide them with the one-time registration instructions: 해외송금 - 이나인페이
If the recipient has already registered with e9pay, please wait for the final status of the transfer within 3 business days.
If the transfer is still pending after 3 business days, the recipient refuses to register with e9pay, or the successful transfer has not been credited, please contact Paysend Customer Support for assistance. In your request please specify the following:
- The phone number you provided when you registered, including the country code;
- Your first and last name;
- Your email address;
- The ID number of the transaction in question.